Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Garage Sale Discovery

I found out some exciting information about the pottery I bought over the weekend at the garage sale.  The two pots were made by Jesus Pena or Tena and they are from the famous Mata Ortiz Pottery collections.  I found the information on the internet here.  http://www.mataortiz.com/mataortizpottery.htm  This website has the history of the pottery.  These were one of my better garage sale fines.

Tuesday happenings:  cloudy but hot
  1. Breakfast - Steel cut oats with brown sugar, walnuts & cinnamon
  2. Pickleball  8:30-11:00
  3. Picked pine needles out of tree bark mulch in flower beds
  4. Lunch - Subway
  5. Catch up time on computer- email, facebook & majong
  6. Finished grooming Abby
  7. Rode scooter to Mr. Burger for coke
  8. Forestry guy came by to certify tree clearing in yard.
  9. Dinner - Grilled chicken with grilled veg (potatoes,carrots, onion and corn on cob)
  10. Picked pine needles out of tree bark mulch in flower beds
  11. Walked Abby
  12. Called Kenna for report on Mom
  13. Catch up time on computer- email, facebook & majong
  14. Bed - 11:00 est
Wanted to post some pictures from Father's Day
 Vampire dog in Paula's loft

Paula & Raymond

Don & I

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't seen the inside of Paula's cabin. It looks very nice, more woodwork than I would have imagined. She looks so much like Grandma.
