Thursday, January 19, 2012

Beginning of a New Year!

 January is kind of a slow month for activities but has been a busy month for doctors.  Don has had an MRI on his right shoulder to find out from the orthopedic surgeon that his rotator is slightly torn and needs surgery to prevent it from tearing more.  At this point it is an orthoscopic surgery but will probably be very painful after. He has scheduled it for the 30th of January.  To have the surgery he had to have permission from his cardiologist where he had to have a blood test, chest x-rays and EKG.  He got permission. 
He has been playing pickleball with his left hand for the last month and is doing very well.  I couldn’t have done it.  He is determined and doesn’t want to quit playing. 
He also got the shingles and pneumonia shot today. Then we both went to the chiropractor.
I have never felt so old!!
Don’s Aunt Joanne(wife of Bill Noakes) passed away on New Year’s Eve.  Bill is Don’s dad’s(Audrey) brother & they live here in Oklahoma City.
Sally, Bill, Leslie and JimSally, Bill, Leslie and Jim Noakes
Bill with his grandsonsUncle Bill(Don’s dad’s brother) with his grandsons
Jim's familyJim’s Family
Leslie's familyLeslie’s Family
Don, Kirk, Nancy & SteveCousins Don, Kirk and Nancy & Steve(husband)
Ricki is going to Dallas Saturday to go with Kenna to the gift market.  I am going to miss it because Don and I are going to Playa del Carman, Mexico on Saturday for a week. 
Ricki has worked in the Epworth kitchen all week filling in for the pastry cook.  She has done this before and works from 6:30 to 4:00 everyday.  She does a great job and I went up and helped her one day. 
Mother is getting stronger and is starting to try and walk with her cane.  I don’t think that is a good idea unless she has something to hold on to. She is being very careful but still gets tired if she walks to the dining room more than 3 times during the day. 
She finally got a new pair of orthotics which has helped her feet.  She lost her shoes and orthotics when she fell in August and we had to order a new pair. 
I have been working on the yearly HOA meeting for our neighborhood.  I had several papers to get done on my part and then get about 5000 copies made at the copy shop.  Then get them organized, put in packets and handed out to the neighborhood.  I was the organizer but then helpers do the other parts.  The meeting will be next week when we are gone. 
Now your up to date on my life.  More to come when we get back from Mexico!! Fun in the Sun