Sunday, May 29, 2011

Class of 2011 - Danny Morgan Martin - Cascia Hall Preparatory School

On Friday night, Ricki and I with Mom drove to Tulsa to cheer for Morgan as he walked across the stage to accept his high school diploma.  I can't believe he could be graduating from high school, he was just a baby not long ago.

Moe - 1 yr old at the Martha house

Nanny, Dad and Grandma McGuffin

Dad & Mom with Moe

Moe with Papa at the old Martin homestead

But, I guess it has been longer than it seems because he has grown into a very fine young man. I, along with his proud parents, grandparents, Ricki and hundreds of his closest friends were there to see him, smiling from ear to ear, check this phase of  life off of his list.

I think I will reminisce a little more and show you some of his dad's graduation pictures. They aren't too good because I took them off of old movie film but it will give you the idea.  Mac graduated in 1966 in Martha, OK.  He had 12 in his class where Morgan had 97.  

 1966 Graduate

 A few of his male classmates

Female classmates

Senior Picture 

Assembly in Gym 1966

OK OK, I'll get back to the reason I started this post and it was to honor Morgan on his accomplishment.  I just wanted to embarrass Mac a little bit. 

I do want to post a disclaimer also because my intentions were to get pictures of everything.  I tried but quite a few came out too blurry. I'm glad I wasn't getting paid for this job. I would be fired.  

Now to continue the story, we got to Tulsa about 5:30 and we were to go to Mac's house. They were all busy away from the house but we had instructions that the back door would be unlocked for us to go in and get dinner out of the oven and set the table.  I was helping mother out of the car and Ricki went on in to open the garage door for us.  SURPRISE  the alarm went off as she entered.  The cool headed and quick thinking girl that Ricki is got Mac on the cell phone and the alarm company was calling on the house phone and she got it turned off.

Morgan and Mary were at Cascia Hall taking pictures and saving chairs for the ceremony. Mac had gone and gotten Mary's parents. Mary had prepared lasagna for us to enjoy before we went to the ceremony and it was terrific.  

Maggie posing for picture (notice the one white eye) Max was under the table

  Ricki & Mac

After dinner we headed to Cascia Hall to settle in before the ceremony started. It was a perfect evening with cloudy skies and no wind. Nice for an outdoor ceremony.  

No, no, no these are for the Martins

 Proud Grandparents

 Very Proud Parents (Mary & Mac)

Girlfriend (long dark hair)

 Pomp & Ceremony

There he is!!

 Cascia Hall Faculty

 Julia Metcalf (I think) - Welcome

 Mary had tissues close by

John Tidwell "96" 
Alumni 50th Anniversary Medals

 Steve Mayfield - Presentation of Candidates

 Lisa Oliver - Class of 2011

He's thinking "Glad that's over & I didn't trip"

 He saw me taking pictures and gave me a smile

Roger Carter - Presentation of Special Awards -  Morgan got a gold medal for Chinese

Accepting award and pictures taken

They knew he could do it!!

 Just wanted to let you know that I was there!

 Thank you God he made it through.

 GET READY!  You are a graduate of Cascia Hall


Where is my hat??????

After the ceremony we waited to meet up with Morgan to take lots of pictures. Here they are.

 Morgan's girlfriend and her mother on the right

Mom & Ricki

 There he is!! Hi Morgan

 Mom and her boy

 Mary & her mom with Morgan

Morgan and Grandma

This is my boy!!!!

 The boys

 Mary's family

 I so wish this wasn't blurry

Morgan's cheering section!!

 Nanny with Morgan and Mac

Morgan with his aunts

Martin kids with Morgan

 Morgan with his girlfriend

This is my Mom!!

Ricki, Mom and I

Martin Sisters

These are all friends of Morgan. I'm sure they spent time at the Martin house and ate lots of Mary's cooking.

We had a great time celebrating with Mac's family. So glad we went. Mac and Mary had parties to go to after graduation and then they were going to be chaperons at the senior all night graduation party. 

Morgan's plans as I know them:
  • He is working at a restaurant at this time
  • He is going on a trip to China this summer
  • He is going to Oklahoma University in the fall

I love you Morgan.  Good Luck & much Success!!