Other relatives in the Corinth Cemetery.
Jane and Patrick Henry Vaughan are the parents of my great grandmother Addie McCombs.
Eva D. and Burnette are daughters of Patrick and Jane Vaughan and sisters to Addie McCombs
Four babies of Addie McCombs died.
Next on our tour of cemeteries was the Blair Cemetery. This is my Mom’s, Mom and Dad, Mae and Joe McGuffin. They are my Grandparents. We brought flowers to put on their graves. We walked around the cemetery and took pictures of all the relatives’ tombstones.
Parents of Ollie Mae McGuffin
Son of Samuel & Addie McCombs & brother of Ollie Mae
Derk McCombs, son of Glen & Pam McCombs
H.D. & Esta McCombs are cousin of Ollie Mae McCombs
Wilson's were cousins of the McCombs.
Daughter of Mary Crume Drane & Mother of William McGuffin
Wife of William McGuffin who is buried in the Corinth Cemetery. Her name is actually Sarah Emmaline. Mistake was made on the tombstone. Parents of Joe McGuffin, Mom's grandparents and my great grandparents.
Brother of Joe McGuffin
Cousin of Joe McGuffin
Clarence & Lurline McGuffin were married and cousins of Joe.
One of the stops we had planned was Luigi’s in Blair. They have the best calizone in the world with a buttery garlic sauce and a marinara sauce on top. Yum Yum

Sarah Emmaline McGuffin lived in this duplex in Blair. It is now in bad disrepair.
On to the Martha Cemetery to place flowers on Dad’s grave. We also took pictures of the other Martins in the cemetery.
Dad's brother Hurbie and wife Lillian
Dad's brother Cortis Martin
Dad's parents, my grandparents
So many trees around Greer and Jackson County were heavily damaged by the ice storm in December. You could see it at the Martha Cemetery and around Mangum.
Mother wanted to see how the old house looked at Martha so we drove down, looked and turned around. It look tired and not kept up. We both don’t seem to have too much of an attachment to it. Just wanted to see it.
Uncle Orvis had told us that the county had finished the brand new bridge over the river. As we drove up to it I couldn’t believe it. It didn’t belong there. It made the whole scenery look different, very modern. This couldn’t be the place we had so many picnics.
I know things have to change but this was one of those things I didn’t like.
But maybe it won’t wash out now.
As we drove back to Mangum, Uncle Orvis told stories and pointed out his land & other’s land.
Mom & her brother Orvis
Class of 1970 - 40th Reunion
We got back in time for me to clean up and get ready for the banquet at Quartz Mountain. I checked on Sharon and she had already gone. I went over the Janice Maxfields and met up with Marsha and she rode with me.
This was the Class of 1970’s 40th Reunion. It was a night of remembering, talking, & laughing. We had 22 of the class of 1970 at the banquet out of 61. Six have passed away.
I’m not for sure how long it had been since I have been to a reunion but it was too long. I think I may have been at the 20th.
Donna Smoot, Marcella Chadwick & Sue Ann Smith
Jimmie Kay Coffman, Donna Griffin, & James Craig
Sherry Fails, Janie Veach, & Sharon Patton (Callen)
I had many people come up to me and I had to read their nametags to remember their names.
The most embarrassing person that I didn’t recognize was Junior. My ex-husband. It has been about 15 yrs or more since I have seen him and his appearance has changed. He was bald on top and had white hair around the back of the head. He looked good but I wasn’t expecting that. It was fun to catch up with him, Sherri, Ama Lois and Sammy. Their mother, Maggie, passed away a couple of months ago.
After the banquet the “Changing Times” band played and we all continued to talk and catch up on each other’s lives. I had a great time!

Rollie Heatly on guitar and Greg Winters on drums
Robert and Jimmie Keating, Rollie and other brother Heatly
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