Born May 18th at 12:06 pm to Ray and Lacie Belcher Weighed 8 lbs 11 oz 20 inches long.
Grandparents Ricki and John Harned.
Great Grandparent Jodean Martin
Besides this important event today other major events in my life today were:
- I also got my hair cut and colored.
- Decided on the blue dress and took the other one back
- Walked 5.5 miles
Monday, May 17th
I had a Cowboy Carrot Cupcake. It was delicious.
Sunday, May 16
We woke up to cloudy skies and rain. This gave me time to read the Sunday paper and catch up on the computer (email and Facebook). By 10:00 it had cleared up for us to walk. Don went with me and we got in 3.5 miles.
I took the two dresses that I was trying to decide between to Mom's and I tried them on for her. She indicated which one she liked and I was still undecided.
About 3:00 we decided to run some errands and headed out. First stop was Sonic, but as we got on the road we could see a big cloud to the north and the radio was saying a storm was a brewing. The time line for it reaching us was 3:45, just enough time for me to get home. I took mom back home and I headed out. I just had enough time to get there. There was some circulation in the clouds but the main threat was large hail.
I made it home with 10 minutes to spare and then it hit. Hail, more hail and then some more hail for about 30 minutes. Also about 2 inches of rain. Here are some pics.

My poor flowers in the backyard were shredded.
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