We decided to hike around the lake and do some cache maintenance a few days ago and I got these pictures.
We like to fish where that boat is. It is about a quarter mile from the parking but we have caught a lot of trout here.
On my 10 mile walk this morning a saw this entrance to one of the new housing additions. Loved it!

Andy and Sherman Huff came into town yesterday and came up to see us tonight. They will be staying for two weeks. We are going to the Flying J Ranch with them tomorrow night to hear some good music and eat some good food. Glad they are in town.We also had our neighbors to the west of us come in for the summer, Fred and Janie Mosley. He has had some medical problems and it delayed their coming this summer.
We will be busy this week preparing to go to Montana to see my cousin, Marilyn and sightseeing at Yellowstone. We will be heading our early Friday morning to catch a plane in Albuquerque to Bozeman, Montana.
I have been on track with my training for the walk and am now playing pickleball 4 days a week from 8:00 to 12:00. I started practicing a backhand serve that the coach was showing me. Hard to do but it puts a lot of spin on the ball and doesn't come up. More and more people are coming each day to try it. I think about 45 have joined the Ruidoso/Alto pickleball club this year. There were maybe 8 last summer.
Mother has been having several spells with hypoglycemia this past week. Kenna went home to check on her and set up a doctor's appointment for her on the 10th of Aug. and got a sugar kit for her to start recording her sugar levels. Mom has been researching it and has decided she needs to eat small meals more often. Her wrist is doing better but she still as pain on the top of the hand & not much strength in it. She sounded better when I talked to her. We are going to sign up for the EMSA ambulance service at $45 for the year so she will call an ambulance when she need to. She also wants to get the alert call button back in her room which I will get set back up. It is really hard for her when I am gone. Making decisions are hard for her and her emotions are on edge right now. Hopefully if she gets to feeling better her emotions will calm down. I'm really glad Kenna has been able to go up and check on her and take care of some problems this summer.
It was 72 degrees today, cloudy but no rain.
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