Played pickleball this morning and hate to hear people talking about heading back to their other homes soon. The guy that I play singles with is heading to L.A. after the big horse race on Labor Day. His son is one of the best trainers here. We will only be here about 4 more weeks.
Thena, our neighbor just came over and told us she is engaged. I hope this works out. She and her boyfriend were dancing on Friday night and she slipped and fell. Has bruises all over her hip and arms but no broken bones. She is 89.
Cont Yellowstone 8/13/10
After sharing the bathroom with Marilyn(went pretty easy), coffee and breakfast. Headed out early to beat the traffic on the Yellowstone road. We drove to West Thumb and then south to the South Entrance of Yellowstone.
This old bison wanted to share the road with us this morning.
When I retired and we started traveling I got a Passport Book that the National Parks puts out. Every time we visit a National Park Visitor Center they have a stamp for that park. I forgot the book for this trip but I stopped at all the visitor's centers anyway and stamped on a piece of paper. Yellowstone had 7 stamps and the Tetons had a couple.
This yellow bus is a reproduction of the
old buses they drove in the park. I company uses these for private tours. It was parked at the Colter Bay Visitor's center for the Grand Teton's.
We decided to take a short mile hike around the lake and marina at the Hermitage Point Trailhead. Marilyn had her eyes on a couple of good looking motorcycle guys. LOL
Stopped at the Willow Flats Overlook and saw the magnificent Tetons in front of us.
Everyone was trying to get a picture without someone else in it. The mountains were GRAND!!!!
As we were starting to load back into the car we noticed some tourist looking with binoculars into the trees. They had spotted a bald eagle. Look close in the tree and then you can see it better after it flew to another limb.
I was directed to turn on the North Jenny Lake Junction road by my navigator. Walked on a beautiful trail along Jenny Lake and took a few pictures.
Drove on around to the Jenny Lake Visitor Center got my stamp and then prepared to hike to Moose lake. This Visitor's Center was the parking lot for the shuttle boat to the other side of Jenny Lake. Lots of people and cars. We were going to Moose Lake in hopes of seeing a moose. Didn't happen but it was a nice hike.
These two were the only moose I spotted. I'm so glad they will do what I tell them for a picture. haha Thanks you two.
Chapel of the Transfiguration, beautiful setting for a little chapel up against the Grand Tetons.
After a great day in the Grand Teton National Park I wanted to drive on down to Jackson Hole. Cute little town with a lot of character. Drove by the National Elk Refuge and stopped at the Visitor Center for my stamp. Walked around the square looking for a place to eat. Didn't find anything but drove around and found a steak place that had a salad buffet. Pretty Good!
Drove a different road home out of the park I think it was HWY 22 back to West Yellowstone. I'm glad we did it had different views and beautiful meadows. Stopped for a couple of geocaches in Montana.
I had such a fun time today seeing a part of the country that I have never seen and talking in the car with Marilyn. Hope she had as much fun as we did.
In all the trips Don and I have taken, we have asked for others to go with us but mother & Paula are the only ones that have taken us up on it. It was nice to have Marilyn along and enjoy our adventure.