Our vacation in Sedona was so active that we decided it was nice to get back home and rest up. Don't get me wrong we had a great time and the scenery was beautiful but hiking 4 to 6 miles a day, up and down mountains is different than our normal every day routine. Plus most days we would work out for an hour in the gym before we left to go hiking. Still we both gained weight.
I got a new butt pack and it worked a lot better than my backpack. It didn't make my shoulders hurt.
This picture was taken at the top of Catherdral Rock. This was a hike uphill over rocks and boulders and then back down scooting on our butts.
We found about 30 geocaches in Sedona and this was one we found on the day it was snowing.
Look at the top of this picture and you can see Don coming down from finding a cache. It was on a ledge on the side of this mountain. The difficulty on this cache was a 4 with 5 being the highest. I stayed down a ways to take pictures. We didn't attempt anymore that hard. Pretty good for a 70 yr old man. Thanks for getting it Don. Glad you made it down without hurting yourself.
View from our room with clouds.
Same view as the sun is setting.
Beautiful flowers at Tlaquepaque a shopping area next to Los Abrigados.
Some artist had way to much time on their hands.
Paula(sister)and Don
Cactus blooming by one of the caches.
Scary self portrait while I was waiting on Don to come down from the ledge.
This picture was taken of the man on the far ledge that bounded up the mountain with his dog to reach his meditation spot on top of Cathedral Rock. He ran up and down the mountain as Don and I slowly climbed up and scooted down. He sat on the ledge for about 20 minutes in total meditation and then he leaped down the mountain with his dog.
It is believed that Sedona has 7 vortex locations among the red rocks that have special powers.
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