I am BEAT!
Three weeks ago Don signed us up for a motorcycle school that will count for our driving part of license for the scooter. We both have already passed the written part after trying twice.
Today was the day and I was pretty nervous because I have never driven a motorcycle. The school provides the cycles. Our scooter is an automatic transmission. These cycles have 5 to 6 manual gears.
I found out yesterday when the teacher called to confirm the class that their were 7 other girls in the class so that made me feel better. I was hoping I wasn't the only one that didn't know how to shift the gears.
After we got there this morning and I heard everyone talking and introducing themselves, I knew that they weren't any better off than me. A few were a little experienced but most were new owners or didn't even own a bike yet. There were 25 in the class and I was feeling good.
Class started at 7 am and we studied out of the booklet until about 11 am. Then it was time to hit the road or maybe it was just a really large parking lot course.
To start out with Don had trouble with his bike starting, it wouldn't. He was riding a 500 cc something and I was riding a 125cc Kawasaki. I told the guy I wanted the smallest one and I got it. The instructors finally got Don's started after lunch. We were divided into 2 groups of 12 with 2 instructors to each group.
Let me set the scene for you. The wind was blowing about 30 mph and the temp was in the 50's. Not that bad.
We went through 8 different maneuvers slowly through the afternoon. Problem was about 1:30 the clouds came in, the wind picked up, the temperature went down to 46 and the rain started. It was miserable.
They sent us inside about 4 pm for our afternoon classroom session. I was so ready. More classwork for an hour and then we headed home. I was really tired from being tense all day.
Stopped at Cocina de Mino for Mexican food, picked Abby up at the neighbors, working on my blog and then hitting the sack.
We have to be there at 7 am again. Hopefully I will remember to get some pictures tomorrow.
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