The last two days have been very busy. Mainly because we spent most of the afternoon yesterday at the DMV in Edmond getting our motorcycle endorsement on our drivers license from 2:00 until 4:30.
Today we spent all afternoon at the Verizon store. This was where my wish came true. I am so excited. I got a new DROID phone. I can text now. My friends will be so excited. They thought I was pretty antiquated.
Don got one too. At first he acted like he didn't need one but I think he is going to love it. We have a lot to learn about it but that is the fun part. A new gadget.
We finally got out of the store at 5:30 and I still had errands I needed to run. Took Don home and headed to Sam's to get gas and some supplies. When I got to the checkout my credit card was declined. I had her run it 3 times and each time declined. I was so embarrassed. I had just used it at the gas pump and it had worked. I didn't have a check with me so I called Don and told him and he said he would bring me a check. As I was going to the car it dawned on me that I had just picked up $200 at the ATM. What an idiot. I guess I was so upset I didn't remember I had cash in my pocket.
When Don called mastercard they indicated they had called a couple of times in the morning about a fraud alert and hadn't heard from us. We had charged some on the internet for a timeshare in the morning and they had flagged it. Then when we spent several hundred in the afternoon for phones and hadn't heard from us they closed the account down. Everything was fine with the account and now I can once again use that little plastic card. What a relief!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
After the weather yesterday I wasn't sure I was ready to get back up at 5:30 again. But I am not a quitter so we were there at 7:00 again.
We had about an hour left in the classroom and then we had to take the TEST!!!!! The scan trons were handed out and fifty multiple choice questions later I handed the answer sheet in not sure of several answers. When our break was over the instructors started handing the graded answer sheets back. They had called most of the names and I could see they didn't have any left so I started worrying that I must not have passed. I told the guy handing the answer sheets out that I hadn't gotten mine and he just kinda shrugged and then the main instructor was holding up 3 answer sheets and I was ready to crawl under the table. He said " I have 3 students answer sheets up here thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat made 100%". One of them was mine. What a shock! It made my day.
I made a better grade than Don.
It was time to go out on the course and finish the driving course. (No time to gloat)
We did a lot of swerving, stopping, head turning and corner turning practice. Most of it was pretty fun but I would have to take a deep breath and concentrate before it was my turn each time. Because you know I wanted to do it perfect. Well I didn't do it perfect most of the time but I did get a "good job" sometimes in the coaching. The toughest for me were the figure eight turns. I never got it perfect in practice but not many did.
Time for the end of the day driving test. WHAT PRESSURE!!!
They lined us up and I was towards the end. Don was in front of me. I was talking to myself the whole time. Please don't let this motorcycle fall over on me because the instructors said that would be one reason for us to fail the test. (it hadn't so far but I figured it would happen now) The line started moving one by one. Some even had to do some of the skills more than once. My turn was next and I took a deep breath. I think I held my breath the whole time.
Back to the classroom and hear the scores. Good News! Everyone passed in our group. Some by the hair of their chinny chin chin. We had to make 80 out of 100. I made 89!!! What a weekend.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
I'm learning to drive a HOG!
I've missed a few days here but will try to catch up. I haven't finished my day 4 layout or the journaling on day 5 but maybe I will be able to catch up tomorrow night because I am not working on it tonight.
I am BEAT!
Three weeks ago Don signed us up for a motorcycle school that will count for our driving part of license for the scooter. We both have already passed the written part after trying twice.
Today was the day and I was pretty nervous because I have never driven a motorcycle. The school provides the cycles. Our scooter is an automatic transmission. These cycles have 5 to 6 manual gears.
I found out yesterday when the teacher called to confirm the class that their were 7 other girls in the class so that made me feel better. I was hoping I wasn't the only one that didn't know how to shift the gears.
After we got there this morning and I heard everyone talking and introducing themselves, I knew that they weren't any better off than me. A few were a little experienced but most were new owners or didn't even own a bike yet. There were 25 in the class and I was feeling good.
Class started at 7 am and we studied out of the booklet until about 11 am. Then it was time to hit the road or maybe it was just a really large parking lot course.
To start out with Don had trouble with his bike starting, it wouldn't. He was riding a 500 cc something and I was riding a 125cc Kawasaki. I told the guy I wanted the smallest one and I got it. The instructors finally got Don's started after lunch. We were divided into 2 groups of 12 with 2 instructors to each group.
Let me set the scene for you. The wind was blowing about 30 mph and the temp was in the 50's. Not that bad.
We went through 8 different maneuvers slowly through the afternoon. Problem was about 1:30 the clouds came in, the wind picked up, the temperature went down to 46 and the rain started. It was miserable.
They sent us inside about 4 pm for our afternoon classroom session. I was so ready. More classwork for an hour and then we headed home. I was really tired from being tense all day.
Stopped at Cocina de Mino for Mexican food, picked Abby up at the neighbors, working on my blog and then hitting the sack.
We have to be there at 7 am again. Hopefully I will remember to get some pictures tomorrow.
I am BEAT!
Three weeks ago Don signed us up for a motorcycle school that will count for our driving part of license for the scooter. We both have already passed the written part after trying twice.
Today was the day and I was pretty nervous because I have never driven a motorcycle. The school provides the cycles. Our scooter is an automatic transmission. These cycles have 5 to 6 manual gears.
I found out yesterday when the teacher called to confirm the class that their were 7 other girls in the class so that made me feel better. I was hoping I wasn't the only one that didn't know how to shift the gears.
After we got there this morning and I heard everyone talking and introducing themselves, I knew that they weren't any better off than me. A few were a little experienced but most were new owners or didn't even own a bike yet. There were 25 in the class and I was feeling good.
Class started at 7 am and we studied out of the booklet until about 11 am. Then it was time to hit the road or maybe it was just a really large parking lot course.
To start out with Don had trouble with his bike starting, it wouldn't. He was riding a 500 cc something and I was riding a 125cc Kawasaki. I told the guy I wanted the smallest one and I got it. The instructors finally got Don's started after lunch. We were divided into 2 groups of 12 with 2 instructors to each group.
Let me set the scene for you. The wind was blowing about 30 mph and the temp was in the 50's. Not that bad.
We went through 8 different maneuvers slowly through the afternoon. Problem was about 1:30 the clouds came in, the wind picked up, the temperature went down to 46 and the rain started. It was miserable.
They sent us inside about 4 pm for our afternoon classroom session. I was so ready. More classwork for an hour and then we headed home. I was really tired from being tense all day.
Stopped at Cocina de Mino for Mexican food, picked Abby up at the neighbors, working on my blog and then hitting the sack.
We have to be there at 7 am again. Hopefully I will remember to get some pictures tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
More Journaling in Type+Writer Class
Morning workout went well and weight was even down a little bit this morning, 143.6. Seems to make a difference when I don't do the snacking and get a Sonic coke everyday. But that is hard, very hard.
Started reading the motorcycle operator's manual because I need to take the written this week. We are taking the motorcycle driving workshop on Saturday and Sunday. Hope I can handle those bigger motorcycles that are provided by them. I just want my license to drive my little motor-scooter.
Ran my normal grocery errands for Don and most importantly Abby was out of her TREATS. Dropped books off at the library and mailed a package to Kenna from Mom for her birthday.
I hadn't been over to Mom's since we had gotten back from TX so I went over there to visit and handle any projects that she had. Most had to do with the computer including questions about facebook & Family Tree Maker.
After dinner I retired the my computer and caught up on FB & email and then started on my writing assignment.
Don't worry. It's not going to be that hard. I'll be here helping you get your pen moving on that page. Let's begin with this: Tell me why you're here. Why you're taking this course. What stories do you want to tell? What moves you? What makes you sing? What makes you dance? What makes you laugh? What makes you cry? What makes you sigh?
I’m not a singer but anytime music is on I can’t sit still. I have to move with the music. I don’t understand how some people just sit there. Rhythm gets me moving and swaying.
Laughs? When I make fun of myself or Don. Talking about things I did wrong in the past.
Started reading the motorcycle operator's manual because I need to take the written this week. We are taking the motorcycle driving workshop on Saturday and Sunday. Hope I can handle those bigger motorcycles that are provided by them. I just want my license to drive my little motor-scooter.
Ran my normal grocery errands for Don and most importantly Abby was out of her TREATS. Dropped books off at the library and mailed a package to Kenna from Mom for her birthday.
I hadn't been over to Mom's since we had gotten back from TX so I went over there to visit and handle any projects that she had. Most had to do with the computer including questions about facebook & Family Tree Maker.
After dinner I retired the my computer and caught up on FB & email and then started on my writing assignment.
Don't worry. It's not going to be that hard. I'll be here helping you get your pen moving on that page. Let's begin with this: Tell me why you're here. Why you're taking this course. What stories do you want to tell? What moves you? What makes you sing? What makes you dance? What makes you laugh? What makes you cry? What makes you sigh?
I’m taking this class because I don’t feel like I can write very well. My writing doesn’t have the descriptions I want. My grammar sucks and I run sentences together. I’m glad we have word that corrects spelling and grammar. I want to tell about our lives and adventures. Not for sure why because I don’t have any kids and no one will probably care. Hopefully Stacy or Scott will read it sometimes. I just like to tell our story. I guess I get that from my mom. My stories aren’t very exciting.
What moves me? When I feel like I have done a good job and someone comments that I did. Someone wants advice from me. Someone wants me to help them with something because they think I am good at it. That’s what moves me.
What moves me? When I feel like I have done a good job and someone comments that I did. Someone wants advice from me. Someone wants me to help them with something because they think I am good at it. That’s what moves me.
I’m not a singer but anytime music is on I can’t sit still. I have to move with the music. I don’t understand how some people just sit there. Rhythm gets me moving and swaying.
Laughs? When I make fun of myself or Don. Talking about things I did wrong in the past.
Cry? I want to cry when I think about Mom not being around. When someone is in pain from family problems. When I am scared. When I watch a movie. Saying goodbye to someone. At the end of a hard fought match or journey.
Sigh? New babies, little puppies, clothes, some food.
Tell me about why you do or don't struggle with a pen and paper. Tell me why you love typography. Tell me how much time you spend playing with Photoshop, and what you would be doing if you had more than 24 hours a day. What would you do if you had less than 24 hours left on earth? What matters most to you? And who? And why?
I seem to be able to write and it doesn’t scare me, it just seems like I say the same things over and over. We had fun, we went, Most journaling is about holidays or vacations.
Typography? It makes the words look creative and interesting. Even simple words are dressed up with typography. I know there are tons of things to learn & I love to learn new things.
Photoshop? I only spend 2 or 3 hours a wk on Photoshop but I spend a lot more on pictures and organizing on the computer. I spend way too much time browsing the internet, facebook and email. I would hope to do more things around the house, with Abby and Don & organize my Scrapping room but I would probably spend it on the computer
Photoshop? I only spend 2 or 3 hours a wk on Photoshop but I spend a lot more on pictures and organizing on the computer. I spend way too much time browsing the internet, facebook and email. I would hope to do more things around the house, with Abby and Don & organize my Scrapping room but I would probably spend it on the computer
Try to organize things that Don would need when I left. I wouldn’t want loose ends. I wouldn’t want him to say my life was a mess and he couldn’t figure out what I always spent my time on. I would want to visit with all my family and tell them how much I loved them. I would want everyone to know that I wanted them keep family together, be nice to each other and celebrate the good times we had.
I want everyone to get along & care about other people. Family & Friends are most important. Most important person is Don & Mom. Don is my security and rock. He wants me around. He wants to be with me. He wants to do things with me. He wants to make me happy. I make it hard on him, I know.
I want everyone to get along & care about other people. Family & Friends are most important. Most important person is Don & Mom. Don is my security and rock. He wants me around. He wants to be with me. He wants to do things with me. He wants to make me happy. I make it hard on him, I know.
Mom represents unconditional love. She has a caring, loving, helping heart. She has a positive attitude and doesn’t want to put anyone out. I want to be like her.
Tell me how you would define yourself if you could only use three words. Tell me your first thought for each of these words: dad. travel. wish. light. mom's hands. night. smile. porch. beauty. rain. Tell me what images popped in your mind when you read the words. Tell me how they connect to your memories.
Creative, caring person. Gone, Timeshares, I phone, Sunny, helping, computer, wrinkles, Ruidoso, mountains, warm. Family and travel.
Tell me what makes you jump up and down. Tell me what moves you to get down on your knees. Tell me what you can't live without.Tell me what you wish for when you see a falling star. Tell me when and where you were happiest. Tell me why.
When I am competing, when I win, when I have reached a goal, when I am excited.
When I feel like I am losing something family or friends.
I need praise and pats on the back. I need to be right some of the time. I have to have help with the computer. I don’t want to live without Don.
Happiness, love and a long life.
I probably am happiest right now with seeing how well my life has gone and how I have no worries, cares just do what I want and travel with Don.
I probably am happiest right now with seeing how well my life has gone and how I have no worries, cares just do what I want and travel with Don.
No stress! Except what I put on myself.
Tell me anything about yourself.
I am very emotional and get my feelings hurt easily. I don’t forget when someone has hurt me. I want to please people and want everyone to think I am perfect. I need to be needed. I want to be the best at whatever I do. I don’t want someone to complain about something I have done.
Complete these phrases:
Complete these phrases:
* I am proud of my ability to…plan
* I am amazed by…people that volunteer their time
* I am blessed with…Family *
* I am a sucker for…m&m’s
* I am freaked out by…frogs *
* I am calmed by…sound of water *
* I am always up for…competition *
* I am ready to…go shopping *
* I am excited by…new goals *
* I am baffled by…science
* I am fascinated by…the computer
* I am listening to…TV
* I am intrigued by…new computer applications
* I am challenged by…learning new things *
* I am extremely fond of…Don *
* I am challenged by…my weight *
* I am wild about…Sonic cokes *
* I am tickled by…Abby
* I am humbled by…Connies situation
* I am honored by…reaching my goals
* I am amused by…someone thinking I can’t do something *
* I am impatient with…Don *
* I am scared of…failing *
* I am proudest of…my teaching career *
* I am waiting for…something bad to happen *
* I am unsure of…how long I have to live
* I am thrilled by…retirement *
* I am guilty of…loving my life *
* I am oblivious to…suffering & poverty
* I am distracted by…new ideas
* I am totally honest about…loving the computer
* I am embarrassed by…doing something wrong *
* I am awed by…creative people *
* I am tired of…negative people
* I am a bit of a…nerd *
* I am totally secure when…Don is with me *
* I am curious about…people *
* I am greatly comforted by…kind comments and friends
* I am surprised by… Abby when I come home *
* I am shy about…accepting praise
* I am lost without…my computer *
* I am influenced by … mom *
Jessica Sprague Type+Writer Class
It got late last night and I didn't get this posted. This was what I was working on. Day 2 was to make this layout.
I am learning different techniques to use on fonts.
I am learning different techniques to use on fonts.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Online Class
I was eager to get to my email this morning because I had signed up for an online class called Type+Writer, at The description said " it'll be one that fulfills two sides of you: the side that loves to tell stories, and the side that loves to see things visually laid out". That was what I wanted to get better at. I have never had confidence in my writing & hope this will help. English and grammar were not my strong suits in school. I dreaded it.
Scrapbooking needs journaling or no one will know the story behind the pictures.
Our assignment today: Think of your last adventure & make a list Write for 15 minutes non-stop. This was my list.
Trip to TX
Tomorrow we need:
Scrapbooking needs journaling or no one will know the story behind the pictures.
Our assignment today: Think of your last adventure & make a list Write for 15 minutes non-stop. This was my list.
Trip to TX
Drive 475 miles
Geocaches 59
Lost palm
Lori’s Burnet
San Antonio
Riverwalk Suites – Worldmark
Parking garage
Old hotel
Over a restaurant
Oatmeal for breakfast
Groceries with us
Found backpack
Walking riverwalk
Spring break
Spring break crowdsSpectacular formations in caves
Very wet in cave but warm
New Braunfels
Large 2 bedroom apartment
Gradalupe river
Comal springs
Warm weather 70’s
Rain 1 day
Shop for boots
Didn’t drive car
Lone star brewery
Dams on riverwalk
St Patricks Day Parade street & river
Turn water green
Containers for geocaches
Pay for parking $8 a day
Get up early to leave garage
Natural bridge caverns $19.95San Marcus Outlet Mall Huge
Springs with cold water
Water park
Exercise 3 days
Drive to caches
Walk on panther trail
Internet access both places
Large walk in closet and laundry room
Audio book while driving
Subway 7 days
Gristmill Restaurant – 3 times
Wendy’s frosty Don
Sonic Coke Vicky
- A numbered journaling list, with six items and the corresponding number of things
- Four photos of the adventure you wrote about
1100 miles traveled
3 towns
70 degree spring break weather
59 geocaches
240 Outlet stores
Ate 3 times at the Gristmill Restaurant
Assignment done for tomorrow.
Also got my workout done this morning, Zandra got the house clean, Don wanted to do some trip planning for spring 2011 ( I wasn't in the mood to plan that far ahead). We did get some of the planning done. Sorry Don I wasn't very helpful.
Went to Weight Watchers and weighed 146.6. I need to get back to my 140. I have lots of excuses but the truth is I need to keep track of my points and not snack. This is my third day without a coke.
Put a pork roast in the slow cooker with a recipe that Melissa McCoy gave me. She was a former tennis player at Grant. It was delicious & spicy.
Didn't get anymore magazines done today. Maybe tomorrow.
Didn't get anymore magazines done today. Maybe tomorrow.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Time to clean out magazines
I am a scrapbooker. I am mainly a digital scrapbooker now but when I was a paper scrapbooker, I felt like I probably collected supplies more than I scrapbooked. My craft room is probably evident of that.

I love magazines! I can't throw them away because there might be an idea in them that I can use. As a result of that I have shelves and stacks of scrapbooking magazines and food magazines.
It is time to clean them out. So I started today to tear out pages of ideas that I think I might use. I got through about 10 magazines.

I tend to tear out the journaling ideas and the page templates mostly.
At least I got started today and my goal is to do at least 10 a day.
Gotta straighten things up before the housekeeper comes tomorrow. That doesn't sound right, does it. Can't let her think that I live in a messy house.
I love magazines! I can't throw them away because there might be an idea in them that I can use. As a result of that I have shelves and stacks of scrapbooking magazines and food magazines.
It is time to clean them out. So I started today to tear out pages of ideas that I think I might use. I got through about 10 magazines.
I tend to tear out the journaling ideas and the page templates mostly.
At least I got started today and my goal is to do at least 10 a day.
Didn't go and see mom today, just because I was lazy and didn't want to get out in the cold and wind.
Worked on some of the things I didn't understand about setting up the blog and think that I got the comment items figured out and made an adjustment on the settings.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
First Day of Spring? LOL
Woke up several times last night to the howling wind blowing the sleet against our north bedroom windows. By 6 am it had turned to partly snow by 9 am to blowing heavy snow. It lightened up at times but is now again at 5 pm blowing heavy snow. My tiny little daffodils & hyacinths are hanging their heads and mostly covered now by snow. Temperatures have been in the upper 20's. What is wrong with this picture? Yesterday it was 73 degrees. One more day of this snow and cold weather and then back up in the 50's & 60's. I am ready for the real springtime. Of course March is our windiest month in Oklahoma so we will be dealing with the wind for a while. Will not be venturing out today.
Finished my unpacking from our trip & pulled out the slow-cooker to put on fixins' for chicken pot pie. My plan was to have a fruit day today because my weight was up from our trip. Gotta get back to my weight watcher meetings. I wasn't able to do that through after smelling the chicken all day. It was yummy.
This was Don's plate I didn't eat that much. Didn't have a coke today. Drank lots of water. Note to self: drink more water.
Finished my unpacking from our trip & pulled out the slow-cooker to put on fixins' for chicken pot pie. My plan was to have a fruit day today because my weight was up from our trip. Gotta get back to my weight watcher meetings. I wasn't able to do that through after smelling the chicken all day. It was yummy.
This was Don's plate I didn't eat that much. Didn't have a coke today. Drank lots of water. Note to self: drink more water.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Home Sweet Home
Left New Braunfels before the sun came up this morning about 7 am. Our goal was to get back to OKC to pick up Abby before 5:00. Just in case we didn't we had arraigned with a neighbor to pick her up. We made it back by 4 and picked her up. She is always so excited to see us but we always feel so guilty for leaving her. I'm glad she doesn't seem to hold it against us.
It is so good to drive into the drive way and the house is still standing and hasn't been broken into. It is like I can walk inside and just relax. A great feeling!!! I like vacationing but I love home.
Went to Sam's and Walmart to get regular staples for the week and had to stand in line for 30 min in Walmart. We have predictions of winter weather (6" to 12" of snow) for the weekend so everyone was there to get provisions.
We had planned on staying home with Abby for the evening but neighbors called and needed a twosome to play Hand & Foot. We went and of course Don was the BIG WINNER with 14,000 pts. He wins alot.
It is so good to drive into the drive way and the house is still standing and hasn't been broken into. It is like I can walk inside and just relax. A great feeling!!! I like vacationing but I love home.
Went to Sam's and Walmart to get regular staples for the week and had to stand in line for 30 min in Walmart. We have predictions of winter weather (6" to 12" of snow) for the weekend so everyone was there to get provisions.
We had planned on staying home with Abby for the evening but neighbors called and needed a twosome to play Hand & Foot. We went and of course Don was the BIG WINNER with 14,000 pts. He wins alot.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Texas Bluebonnets
I was so hoping the bluebonnets would be out but I think we are about a week ahead of them. They are just barely blooming at the moment. The last day of another great vacation. Don always asks " Do you want to move here"? Throughout the day today he said "This is another beautiful day" The weather can make or break our vacations.
Day 7
- Routine morning of oatmeal and workout.
- Driving to a different part of town to find caches.
- Watched the spring breakers and tubers
- Ate at the Gristmill Restaurant for the 3rd time.
- Time to pack up and come home to reality and the cold it sounds like.
Things we liked about this Trip to Texas
1. Great weather
2. Learning about the vastness of the Comal Springs and Guadalupe River
3. Fast internet service in both places
4. Natural Bridge Caverns
5. Free coffee & cookies of a morning in San Antonio
6. Found 59 caches
7. Eating at the Gristmill Restaurant (3 times)
8. Accommodations in New Braunfels (Worldmark)
9. Walking the Riverwalk
10. Shopping at the huge Outlet Mall
Things we didn't like about the Trip to Texas
1. Bird pooping in my hair
2. Losing the Palm Pilot (found it finally)
3. Paying for parking in San Antonio off site.
4. Train tracks close to accommodations in New Braunfels
5. Spring Break crowds everywhere
6. Waiting for parades on St. Patrick's Day
7. Eating at Chili's in San Antonio
8. Panhandlers in front of Alamo
9. Construction on the roads
10. Nearly running out of gas
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Top of the Morning to ya!
We had a gorgeous St Patrick's Day with blue skies and warm weather(in the 70's). A sharp contrast to the weather yesterday that was cold, windy and rainy. Soooooooooo decided it was a great day to go SHOPPING at the largest. mega outlet mall I have ever seen in San Marcos, TX. This is how the last three days has gone.
Day 4
- Had to be out of the public parking garage by 8am or would be charge another day (if you know Don you know we were gone by 8)
- Went to the Natural Bridge Caverns early. Good thing there were tons of spring breakers later.
- Hunted caches on the way to Gruene, TX.
- Walked around Gruene with about a million other tourist. Little town lots of people.
- Checked into Worldmark New Braunfels. Huge 2 bedroom & 2 1/2 bath unit for Don & I.
- Ate Dinner at the Gristmill Restaurant (Chicken Fried Steak & mashed potatoes with cream gravy). Yum!
- Got up to a cold, windy rain all day.
- Worked out for an hour in the fitness room.
- Went shopping San Marcos
- Huge outlet mall, Tanger & Prime outlets.
- Don bought boots & I got jeans and some blouses.
- Ate at Gristmill Restaurant again.
- Worked out for an hour.
- Gorgeous day in the 70's
- Drove around New Braunfels & hunted caches today.
- We found 10 today along the Guadalupe River.
- Ate leftovers.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
San Antonio or Bust!
Starting out about 8am with the car full of gas and the wind blowing us down the road. I've got the audio book cranked up and the computer plugged in, working on organizing some scrapping supplies. We're took the HE Bailey turnpike to Lawton and then down on Hwy 281 to San Antonio. The GPS and Palm are loaded with geocaches along the road. Here are some of the highlights:
Day 1
- Found 8 caches along the way
Noteable caches: Largest Chair, Billy the Kid and Prairie Dogs
- Nearly ran out of gas ( really really close)
- Lost the palm when we were hunting a cache in lots of dead grass, weeds, dead leaves and heavy brush. Looked for it about 30 minutes and finally found it. Thank God!!!
- Lunch in Wichita Falls at Subway! Yum
- Lost stone out of my ring when washing my hands. My moreno stone ring but found stone.
- Went by Lori and Jeff's house in Burnet, TX. Kailey had received word she had been chosen for Varsity Cheer Team, Raigen didn't make it. She was being strong but her heart was hurting.
- Arrived in San Antonio about 10 pm.
- Staying at the Wyndham Riverside Suites, on the riverwalk. Great location
Day 2
- Watched St Patricks Day parade in front of the Alamo.
- Walked along the Riverwalk with a million other people.
- Walked around the Alamo
- Found 6 caches along the riverwalk.
- Watched the Riverboat St Patty parade and turning the river GREEN.
Day 3
- Rode shuttle to Geuther House on south end of riverwalk in historical housing district.
- Started caching toward south end of riverwalk to end and then back to our home base.
- Walked about 5 miles.
- Found about 15 caches
- Beautiful Day
- Ate dinner at Chili's
- Tired
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Packing for San Antonio
Did my normal workout of 30 min. on the eliptical and 30 min. on the bike and then 30 min on the weights and stretching. Then decided I needed some pampering and went for a pedicure. It was like having a massage except on the legs. I think he spent more time on the legs than the toes. That was good.
The day before a trip is full of laundry, ironing, giving Abby a bath, gas the car & then packing. We are going to San Antonio for 3 days and New Braunfels for 4 days and we are driving this time. Heading out in the morning after taking Abby to the kennel.
This was bunko night and I won $15 for having the most loses. Fun talking with the ladies.
Abby doesn't like going to the kennel.
The day before a trip is full of laundry, ironing, giving Abby a bath, gas the car & then packing. We are going to San Antonio for 3 days and New Braunfels for 4 days and we are driving this time. Heading out in the morning after taking Abby to the kennel.
This was bunko night and I won $15 for having the most loses. Fun talking with the ladies.
Abby doesn't like going to the kennel.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Finally starting a blog!
This picture was taken last Saturday. These are four friends that I have had for 34 years. We met when we started teaching at US Grant High School in Oklahoma City, OK. I started teaching in 1976.
They are Vickie Stewart, Ann Bleything, me, Connie Ellis, & Connie Overstreet. We had a mother/daughter luncheon at Connie Overstreet's.
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